Friday, October 9, 2009

Puritan View Of Nature Romantic Period

A pure anecdote, by Philippe Soupault

Couverture du catalogue de l'exposition Picabia, galerie Danthon (1923)

Chapter "mistreat our idols," I can not resist the urge to reproduce here a note from Philip Soupault, found in a catalog Sales and written in the margin of his copy of The Adventure dada (Georges Hugnet Institute Gallery, Paris, 1957), following the sentence "The nature of Picabia warm"

"Picabia was jealous, suspicious, bad boyfriend, vain, and especially terribly shy. Picabia Guillaume Apollinaire regarded as a chameleon. Both saw themselves as wary of china dogs. "
is not here to take at face value the statement of Philip Soupault but to consider it as an indication (to paraphrase Thomas Bernhard) to pay the rich record of history "alternative" of the Dada movement.


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