Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deformation Of Character Whats The Max Sue

Crowd Still (1921)

Until April 15, 2010, the gallery Geneva Artvera's presents a major retrospective Serge Charchoune. The gallery offers a bilingual English-French catalog but apparently no other publication is planned in the context of this exhibition. Maybe it was the opportunity to republish the elusive

Crowd Still written and published in Paris in 1921. At the time, appealed to Philip Charchoune Soupault for correcting the manuscript was reproduced in 25 copies and also published as a booklet of twenty pages. This is the facsimile (Elbemühl Druck, Wien, 1968) this last one I had access to the Library recently Kandinsky. Moreover, the essential Livremblog proposed there is little criticism of Crowd Still by Pascal Pia published in the magazine's March-April 1922 of the journal Action:

[CROWD STILL, poem by Serge Charchoune. The author heard twenty-five votes. One already contains so much nonsense. The medical examiner came to see the death of Dada: the libretto of Mr. Charchoune has not even been printed on Holland Van Gelder. The public does not scream. Too late, small Charchoune. "Oblivion, forgetfulness, I know the place. "(Sic)] The Mummery + Schnelle Gallery (London), who recently exhibited paintings and drawings by the painter to the ten thousand paintings thought it was about to publish a "transimile edition of 25 copies" of Crowd Still ( available here ) and a selection of short texts Charchoune ( available here).

Meanwhile an edition that takes account of the manuscript Charchoune (I found discrepancies between it and the first French edition which omits capital letters, question marks, etc..), Here is the "first round" of Crowd Still - Song 9 rounds sung [sic] by the choir of 25 voices led by Mr. Leopardi:


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