If the correspondence of Francis Picabia is now scattered and sometimes difficult to access (the letters preserved in the Bibliothèque Jacques Doucet can be consulted only with the permission of various beneficiaries), if not inaccessible when the letters in question belong to private collections (1), it is nevertheless possible to consult his Letters to Leonce Rosenberg 1929-1940
and the

Letters to Christine (Boumeester). Later, these were written between 1945 and 1951 and followed in the edition of John Gerard Levovici Sireuil Editions, a collection of essays highlights unsung Picabia, entitled Ennazus . Ennazus anagram of Suzanne (Roman), who Picabia wrote many love letters and Les Presses du Reel announced as one of their upcoming release:
Picabia with Nietzsche, Love Letters to Suzanne Romain (1944-1948). Edition This imposing volume of 432 pages is the brainchild of Carole Boulbès, author of Picabia, the holy hidden (Jean-Michel Place, 1998).
There is no doubt that this volume will occupy part of my fall.
Picabia he was an imitator of obsessive Nietzsche? What relationship do it with the German romanticism? Can be compared to Nietzsche and Picabia Suzanne Romain Lou Von Salome? Picabia, who practices "collage philosophical" since 1917, address from 1944 love letters to Suzanne Romain diverting the poems and aphorisms of Nietzsche. Gathering a selection of forty-eight unpublished letters reproduced in facsimile, but also drawings, paintings, photographs and miscellaneous documents, this book highlights the artist's relations to the philosopher through a thorough historical research, starting with a correspondence love to develop a philosophical and aesthetic on art, through Goethe, Schlegel, Hegel, Baudelaire. [Les Presses du Reel].
(1) As the 36 autograph letters addressed to Jean Van Heeckeren between 24 January 1949 and October 10, 1951, sold 52 800, - € in December 2006 in a sale organized by Paris Christie's, the catalog entry stating "76 manuscript pages including 50 with original drawings, most in full page (...)" The meeting with Jean Van Heeckeren Picabia began in the early 20s and will, one can imagine, a major for both men. Jean Van Heeckeren preface Chi-lo-sa (BAP, 1950) and is the author of a long unpublished essay entitled "Picabia's unpredictable." He is among the few authors who gathered after the death of Picabia show their attachment to him in In Memoriam, a tribute plaque published "under the sign of Orbs "(April 20, 1955) and fully devoted to the author of The Athlete undertaker.
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