Here is a preview of the collection Swatch Bijoux Fall / Winter. The catalog is printed on fine paper, you can buy it in shops or stalls Swatch.
Find documents which were not known and primary interest to his research is a reward that we savored at length. Among the latest documents discovered recently (the library Kandinsky is a mine), the text of Jean Crotti appeared in The Little Review (number Picabia, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Spring 1922, pp.44-45):
Still on "Jean Crotti," I expected to see some of Suzanne Duchamp archives, including a folder containing many unpublished documents. To be continued ...
I just finish reading The fifth season of world Tristan Ranx , a novel that should hopefully meet with readers as it is in my view a genuine literary achievement.
Marthe Chenal and Gabriel D'Annunzio ( Picabia, watercolor and pencil, circa 1929). ©
Contrary to what has been alleged against the author, The fifth season of world is in no way burdened by "historical and literary references" because they are fully integrated and controlled through a very elaborate narrative structure - and yet does not appear as such, an obvious sign of success, like the "Afterword" entitled "Life and death Guido Keller, "which also presents discrete Borgesian accents. One thinks especially of literary reviews of the author of Fictions . When writing a novel largely about the Free State of Fiume, Tristan Ranx - who calls both men are part of history as D'Annunzio and Guido Keller and characters which lie halfway between fiction and reality, as Colossus and Imna Oly (femme fatale of the novel?) - features a TAZ led by strong, pirates, anarchists, poets and artists life.
"Keller's world, this fifth season, is a standby force and the manuscript of Enzo Cellini already seems like the Rosetta stone of a reality that is also built into the virtual world. It is not a "second world" depressing, but a real machine acting in concert in fiction and in reality, returning from point to point to the existence of a Dadaist revolution that plays with space and time. "
The fifth season of world Tristan Ranx, Millo Max editions.